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Root Stimulator

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Bioponic Root Stimulator supplies the energy and organic stimulants to build an exceptional root system with outstanding results.  It also distinctly increases nutrient uptake when used and it is common knowledge that the greater the nutrient intake the greater yield at harvest.  

The development of a good working root system is essential for the best possible yields.  By adding Root Stimulator to your nutrient program you will immediately see the results in terms of vigour and growth in your crop.

Bioponic Root Stimulator combines plant-extracted bio-enhancers, vitamins, co-enzymes, silicon and fractions of fulvic/humic acids blended in an organic complex for easy assimilation and rapid effect to achieve its results.  It also provides the perfect balance of hormones and stimulants to encourage root growth, and to stimulate essential biological processes within the roots.  

Root efficiency is directly related to potential crop yield.  The more efficient the root mat, the greater the plant's ability to take up water, nutrients, and oxygen from the nutrient solution or soil.